22 October 2021
Castle Phoenix Trust
How learning really works - and it's not what you think

7 October 2021
SW Councils Coaching & Mentoring Conference

11th February 2022
Online 9:00 to 15:00 UK time
Projective Coaching Masterclass

16 March 2021
Online (CIPD)
CIPD - Why Talent Programs Fail

Nov 8-15 2021
Hong Kong
NLP Master Practitioner

April 14-21 2021 8 days
Hong Kong
NLP Practitioner Training

March 18, 19, 25, 26 2021 April 29, 30, May 6, 7 2021
Online (UK time)
NLP Master Practitioner

6th March 2020
CIPD HR Leaders - The RSA's Four Futures of Work

The RSA has published a report following the Taylor review of modern working practices. At the CIPD Midlands HR Leaders Conference, Peter Freeth presented a session on the RSA Future Work project which evolved from the Taylor report.

1st March 2020
CII CPD Roadshow 2020

See video, presentation slides and other resources from the Chartered Insurance Institutes's 2020 CPD roadshow where, thanks to the COVID-19 pandemic, I presented via an online video on the subject of 'Mental Health in the Workplace: Should I be Worried?'.

Oct 30 - Nov 6 2020
Hong Kong
NLP Master Practitioner

3-6 July + 25-28 September 2020 8 days over 2 modules
Birmingham, UK
NLP Business Master Practitioner Training

13-16 September + 25-28 October 2019 8 days over 2 modules
Solihull B90 4RF
NLP Business Master Practitioner Training

May 18-22 2020 (online module 1, 5 days) October 9-13 (classroom module 2, 5 days)
Birmingham, UK
NLP Trainer Training

12-15 April + 10-13 May 2019 8 days over 2 modules
Solihull B90 4RF
NLP Business Practitioner Training

28 September 2019 1 day
London, Wandsworth
Advanced Coaching Masterclass - Projective Coaching Techniques

21-28 September 2019 8 days
Hong Kong
NLP Practitioner Training

11 - 18 November 2019 8 days
Hong Kong
NLP Master Practitioner Training

7 - 15 December 2019 9 days
NLP Business Master Practitioner Training

7th March 2020
CIPD MAP Student Conference

CIPD Midlands Student Conference 2020

23 September 2019
Birmingham, UK
Advanced Coaching Masterclass

1-3 Oct 2020 (Module 1) 16-17 Oct 2020 (Module 2) 22-24 Oct (Module 3)
NLP Coaching Practitioner Training

15th June 2019
Birmingham, UK
Advanced Coaching Masterclass

11th January 2020
Birmingham, UK
Masterclass - 2020 Vision

The most important part of any journey is the first step. This workshop will take your life and your business far beyond your horizon, far beyond your current limits. You will explore beyond what is possible, and plan for what is impossible.

23rd September 2019
Advanced Coaching Masterclass

Help Your Clients Achieve More with Less !

With ‘The Unsticker’ and other Creative Problem-Solving Tools

This event is taking place in partnership with the EELGA in Bury St Edmunds

5th February 2019
Duxford, Cambridgeshire
The Unsticker at the EELGA Coaching Conference

Enjoy Getting Your Clients Unstuck With The Unsticker - 5th February 2019

One fact of coaching is that in order for our clients to achieve change, they have to overcome whatever has prevented change in the past, and that often means solving problems. When the client can’t come up with any more options, the result can be a ‘stuck’ client – and a ‘stuck’ coach.

17th November 2018
Birmingham, UK
Advanced Coaching Masterclass

I ran a one day advanced coaching masterclass in Birmingham, exploring the idea that an 'advanced' coach doesn't use more complicated techniques, they simply focus on the basics, and deliver the basics consistently well.

The most basic concept in coaching is perhaps the idea that, for a client to want something, they implicitly don't have it, or at least they think they don't.

When they associate you with helping them to get that, you become a coach.

When they associate value with that process, and pay you for it, you become a professional coach.

Here's the video of the morning session of the masterclass.

1st March 2018
CII CPD Roadshow 2018

See video, presentation slides and other resources from the Chartered Insurance Institutes's 2018 CPD roadshow where I presented on 'Easily dealing with conflict and stress'.

18th April 2018
CIPD event - The NeuroPsychology of Performance Management

I spoke at the CIPD Coventry & Warwickshire branch on 18th April 2018, here are some useful resources and links from that event.

On March 13th 2018 I'll be speaking at the Richmond NLP Group on the subject of...

How to use NLP at work so that people don't think you're strange

I spoke for the third year running at the International NLP Conference in London on May 19th 2018, this time with a session entitled "Helping clients get unstuck with The Unsticker" which is an easy way for coaches to ask questions to access their client's natural creativity and break free from 'stuck' states.

14 November 2018
Coaching Masterclass for the SWCM Coaching Conference

Going deep - how to work with the innate fears that drive avoidance behaviours

SW Coaching and Mentoring Pool: Master Classes Day

14 November 2018, Holiday Inn, Taunton

2nd October 2017
Stratford on Avon

Coventry and Warwickshire CIPD "AsSIGnations" event is on Monday 2nd October.

Stratford Manor Hotel, near Stratford upon Avon in lovely England.

Our speaker is Peter Freeth, who says "As a service provider, you are a dealer in intellectual property. When your clients can't touch and hold your product, and can't return or exchange the time they've spent with you, your value is entirely dependent on your credibility.

I ran two workshops at the South West Coaching and Mentoring Conference 2017, here are some useful resources for you.

My first session ws an easy way for coaches to ask questions to access their client's creativity, "Helping clients get unstuck with The Unsticker".

My second session was a knowledge sharing session on what I've found over 15 years of delivering corporate coaching programs, helping you to increase engagement, effectiveness and create measurable results, "What works in corporate coaching programmes". 

I spoke at the NLP Conference in London, April 29th 2017 on the subject of...

So You Think You Know Meta Model?

Maybe you’ve heard that in the first minute, your client has told you everything you need to know? Actually, they will have told you even before they begin speaking. Just imagine what you could do with that kind of knowledge.

Here are some useful links and resources for you from that workshop.

If you came along to my talk on NLP at the Potentialisation group in Manchester on 19th May 2016 then thank you, it was super to meet you!

If you didn't, then you literally do not know what you were missing. Where were you? Anyway, this page will give you a bit more information and share links to some of the odds and ends that I mentioned during the evening.

I spoke at the NLP Conference in London, April 17th 2016 on the subject of...

Everything you know about NLP is wrong

And that's why you can't always get the results you intended.

When trainers just emulate the pseudo-science they’ve been taught instead of testing for themselves, they pass that on to their students. So instead of an evolving, developing field, we have bad techniques being taught badly, and then we wonder why NLP gets a bad name.

I presented a workshop for MBA students at the TIAS Business School in Tilburg, Netherlands, entitled: 

Getting Through the Second Glass Ceiling: What you Really Need to Know for 21st Century Career Success

You must have heard of the idea of a ‘glass ceiling’; an invisible barrier which prevents your career progress past a certain point. Perhaps it’s because of your sex, or your age, or your spirituality, or your education. The reason is never clear, yet try as hard as you can, you just don’t have what it takes to get into the executive lounge.

In fact, there isn’t one glass ceiling, there are two. Most people don’t know about the second one, and it exerts a far more powerful force than any of those social prejudices which hold people back at the lower levels of an organisation.

6th June 2015
Neurobusiness 2015 Conference

At the Neurobusiness 2015 conference I gave a presentation entitled "Winning the talent war: Decoding and transferring innate talents within a business". In it, I showed you some video clips and referenced a few other bits of research and so on.

Here's a list of the references with links, plus some other information that you might find useful. If you're looking for sample modelling reports, just go to the Consulting page of this site and you'll find them there.